Every Sunday and Wednesday, babies through Sixth Graders experience environments where the Bible is taught in fun and creative ways. Our PVN Kids are taught to love Jesus in four major ways: through evangelism, discipleship, building a missional mindset, and fellowship. It is important that all kids grow and leave the ministry, having developed a relationship with Christ and learn to serve others. We would love for you and your family to visit this Sunday!
Train up a child in the way they should go; and when they are old, they will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
The biblical theme for our ministry is built off this verse! This mission is fulfilled through our sub-ministries that promote engagement, biblical teaching, and fun. For more info on each sub-ministry, scroll down!

Right before the sermon on Sunday mornings, children are invited to Children's Church. Amazing adult and youth volunteers lead this special time of worship for children! In Children's Church, kids learn biblical truths through lessons, games, arts and crafts, and media. Currently, we are using Crossway's Biggest Story Curriculum that goes through the whole Bible in 2 years. For both our services, a group is also offered for 4-year-olds to 3rd graders. We provide a clean, safe, fun, and quality learning environment every Sunday! If you are new, visit the Info Desk at the entrance to learn more.

Right after the 8:30 Sunday service ends, at 9:45 children are invited to Sunday School! The Sunday School program at PVN is designed to equip children and adults with knowledge of God's Word. It is the "backbone" of the church and serves as an opportunity for people to engage with others while also forming relationships with smaller groups of individuals and families. There is a class available for all age ranges. Come join us to experience the Word of God in a setting that is fun and nurturing!

AWANA is our Wednesday night ministry from 6:15-7:30 PM for children ages 3 through 6th grade! This ministry exists for children to learn God’s truths each week and have a fun time. We divide AWANA into “clubs” based on age and grade: → CUBBIES: Preschool - Pre K → SPARKS: Kindergarten - 2nd Grade → “T&T”: 3rd - 4th Grade → T&T Preteen: 5th - 6th Grade → TREK & JOURNEY: 7th - 12th Graders Registration for AWANA is year-round! Take the next step toward discipling your children through this ministry!

WinShape Camps partners with us to provide a professionally trained staff to help create the most meaningful, unforgettable, and fun-filled day camp experience you'll find anywhere! Be a part of this incredible adventure where we combine sports, recreation, arts, Bible study, and worship into one fantastic week for your children! Click on the link below to learn more!