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Events (13)
- Collide 2025February 21, 2025 | 10:00 PMRome, GA, USA
- Men's Wild Game SupperMarch 15, 2025 | 9:00 PM735 Old Summerville Rd NW, Rome, GA 30165, USA
- Beach Camp 2025May 26, 2025 | 11:00 PMPanama City Beach, FL, USA
Blog Posts (10)
- Profiles in Faith: Habakkuk
Habakkuk 2:4 Habakkuk is considered a “minor” prophet in the Old Testament. He was a prophet who foretold the coming destruction of Judah. God would use another nation to punish Judah for their many sins. Babylon would destroy Judah and carry away the people of Judah to be slaves. Habakkuk was upset and almost charged God with the death and destruction to be inflicted on Judah because he could not fathom that God would do this. He was to learn that God is in control and that God alone decides punishment. What God sees from His throne as an insignificant speck, we see as a vast problem. What we think of as a long time is just a blink of God’s eye. God’s works are far beyond our understanding. Habakkuk penned that the “righteous will live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4). God revealed the calamity that would come to Judah and now Habakkuk had to practice his faith. Habakkuk learned that faith is the key to seeing God’s big picture. He also learned to have faith so that he could see things from God’s perspective. Habakkuk 2:4, • “Behold, as for the proud one, • His soul is not right within him: • But the righteous will live by his faith.” To this we say Amen!
- Forgiveness a Process
In Genesis chapter 42 we read about Joseph’s brothers coming to Egypt to buy food for their families. The brothers who came did not recognize Joseph, whom they had sold into slavery many years ago, but he did recognize them. Lets’ review the highlights of the Joseph story: 1. He was the favorite of his father Jacob 2. His brothers hated Joseph because it was so obvious he was the favored one 3. Joseph told his brothers he dreamed they would bow before him. 4. Their hatred multiplied and they conspired to kill him. 5. Instead of murdering Joseph, they sold him into slavery. 6. While in Egypt as a slave, Joseph had many low points. 7. Ultimately, he became the number 2 leader in the Egyptian empire. 8. Great famine was in the land and Jacob sends his sons to Egypt to buy food 9. Unbeknownst to the brothers, Joseph is the one who holds their future. None of the brothers recognized him, but Joseph knew who they were. Joseph toyed with them, by holding one of the brothers in prison until the others returned with Joseph’s brother Benjamin. Additionally, he had their money put back in their sacks which terrified them when they returned home to Jacob. Plus, he required that they bring his other brother Benjamin, or he would not sell them food. It took time but it all fell into place. Ultimately Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and the healing began. This whole story is in Genesis 38-50 and shows the emotion and patience that Joseph took to pay back his brothers for selling him into slavery. Ultimately, he did forgive them, but it was a process. The old bromide to “forgive and forget” is often used but it isn’t so easy as we see in the story of Joseph. It took time. When your brother offends you, it may be easy to say I forgive you. But don’t walk away feeling guilty that you haven’t forgotten the offense. Forgiveness frees us from anger, bitterness and self-righteousness. We are human though but as Christ told Peter “I do not say to you, (forgive) up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.” Mt 18:22. Over time you will forget as old offenses fade. In the meantime, continue to pray for those who have offended you and for yourself that you will put the problem out of your mind forever. Do not depend on your own ability. Forgiveness is a process. Let us remember that but begin the process prayerfully and the peace of Christ will be with you! Hallelujah what a Savior!
- Profiles in Faith: Abraham
For anyone who has a child, you know the watchful eye you keep over their lives. From early childhood to the point of legal maturity we frequently worry about their safety. Abraham was known as a friend of God. Abraham’s faith in God was verified by his obedience to God. In Gensis 22 we find how Abraham was tested to the utmost when God told him to take his only begotten son to Mt. Moriah and sacrifice Issac him as a burnt offering. We are not told the suffering that Abraham must have gone through. We don’t know his thoughts and how he may have tried to figure out how to bargain with God that he, Abraham, would give his life in Issac’s stead. We don’t hear about the pain and agony of his soul. We can only see the obedience of Abraham as he carried the knife that would mean the death of Issac and prove his faith. We can rejoice that God intervened and Issac was saved from certain death. Abraham displayed the ultimate in faith when he was prepared to do what God commanded. Thousands of years later, God would demonstrate His love for us by allowing His only begotten son to die in our stead on the cross at Calvary. Thinking about faith in action we can give thanks to God that we have a man like Abraham as a guide when we consider our sacrifices to prove our faith. We can demonstrate our faith when Christ says, “follow me?’
Other Pages (40)
PVN 101 Are you new? Whether your new to faith or new to PVN, this is the perfect opportunity for you. Come have a nice lunch on us and hear the story and heart of our church from our staff team as you connect to all that is PVN! WHERE: Fellowship Hall (735 Old Summerville Road, Rome, GA 30165) First name* Last name* Email* Phone* If you are married, will your spouse or kids be in attendance? If yes, please list their names. If no, please say "N/A" Type below.* Which day for PVN 101 will you attend? Choose one of the following dates/times:* Dates & Times Coming Soon! Submit
- PVN Men's Ministry | Pleasant Valley North Baptist Church
Our Men's Ministry offers opportunities for men to meet and encourage one another through prayer, Bible study, men's breakfasts and other fellowship activities. Our Men's Ministry offers opportunities for men to meet and encourage one another through prayer, Bible study, men's breakfasts and other fellowship activities. This ministry also seeks to impact our community through global and local ministry and missions. Come be a part of what God is doing through our men. ABOUT PVN MEN'S MINISTRY GET CONNECTED WITH PVN MEN'S CONTACT US Upcoming Events Sat, Mar 15 Men's Wild Game Supper / Rome RSVP Mar 15, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Rome, 735 Old Summerville Rd NW, Rome, GA 30165, USA Share
BAPTISM First name* Last name* Email* Phone* Birthday Month Who is getting baptized? Type Answer Below (example: You, Family Member 1, 2, etc.)* Which PVN Pastor would you like to baptise you? Choose Below* Pastor Mac McCurry Pastor Bob Agan Pastor Eric Hall Pastor Ryan Matherly Other Preferred Baptism Dates Type Answer Below* Preferred Baptism Service Times (Sunday - 8:30 AM or 10:45 AM) Type Answer Below* Preferred T-Shirt Sizes Type Shirt Sizes Below* Share a little bit about your faith journey. Type Below. What does it mean to trust in Jesus and get baptized? (If answering for other members of your family, record their answers below.) Type Below. How can we be praying for you? Type Below. Submit