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Faith is Invisible and Real


In Hebrews 11:1 we read that “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Some people are a little confused by this statement and even say faith doesn’t even exist.  If something is going to happen, well, it just happens.  It is a sad state when someone does not believe in an eternal God who knows everything from beginning to end. 

Can you see faith?  Not the result of faith but faith itself?  No, is the quick answer, but those who have a belief that God sent His own Son to die for our sins have something that non-believers do not have.  We call it faith. 

Faith is like the wind and time.  You can see neither of these natural events, but they do exist, and we know it.  The wind of summer is a cooling balm and the ticking of time marches on no matter what happens.  As the pastor said Sunday, these things are providential or better said, “the unseen hand of God”. 

Our belief in the finished work of Jesus Christ is faith and it is real.  We do not physically see Him or hear Him.  We did not see Him crucified, resurrected from death or ascend back into heaven, yet we know through our faith that these events happened.  We also know through faith that He loves us with an everlasting love and Jesus will never leave us alone.  He made a promise that the Holy Spirit would always be with us no matter what the circumstances.  Just like time passing which we cannot see, Christ is always with us because of our faith in Him.

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