What do you say to a new person in Christ or a person who has been attending church but has let their spiritual life wane when they ask, “how do I grow in Christ?”
What an opportunity to witness right now! What an opportunity to tell them what the Lord has in store for them! This is not the time to tell them to see one of our pastors to get guidance. You want to be prepared to help them right then. Some may think, “well I just don’t know how to express what I know to be true, and I am shy about it.” The following are some easy things to remember and say.
1. Read your Bible every day. Set aside quiet time to be with the Lord. As you read you will find spiritual lessons in almost every verse. Remember who wrote the Bible using different men to pen the words. It was the Holy Spirit who inspired every single word. It is best to read it first thing every day then you will carry it in your heart all day.
2. Pray! We are told to pray without ceasing. No, not every minute of the day but in all things ask for guidance and direction. Your prayers will be answered. It may not happen right away, but God answers prayers. He never fails!
3. Attend church. Make it a priority. Don’t work it into your schedule, make your schedule around church.
4. Be active in the church and surround yourself with other believers. Reach out to the sick and home bound people who need a loving touch of kindness. Perhaps you have skills that you can use to help those in our community who need painting, carpentry or other helpful things.
5. Give them your telephone number and tell them to call any time. Be available.
Helping others to grow in Christ will also help you to grow. The blood of Jesus was shed for us, and we need to be ready to proclaim boldly that we are His and He is ours.