“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:16-18.
I can hear some saying, “Are you kidding? How can I be thankful that I just wrecked my new car? Or I just lost my job?” The responses go on and on. And to be honest, it is hard to give thanks for these and other occurrences that will come to all of us at times in our life on earth.
Several years ago, I was faced with a tremendous business problem. I stayed up all night praying, crying at times, and moaning about my problems. I knew it would be a disaster the next day but continued to pray. And even though doubts filled my mind, God heard my prayer, and He answered me that morning and it was miraculous. The problem was solved. The end of my world had not come. I was alive and well. There also have been times that I didn’t think He answered my prayers, but in time answers came.
Through all this I have learned to pray without ceasing and to give thanks. Am I perfect in this? NO. I am still a work in progress and probably will be until I am with Him permanently! However, I rejoice that I have a place to go when I am in trouble!
Never forget, God is always on the job. His phone is never busy. You never have to speak to a secretary. You don’t get recorded messages, and you don’t get put on hold. There is no waiting to talk to Him! God knows it is you and he knows you by name. After all, you are his child!
Hallelujah, what a Savior!